We develop
innovative technologies
for medical doctors,
with medical doctors.

Artiness develops ad-hoc solutions based on the accurate and detailed reconstruction of patient-specific 3D models extracted from medical images, their holographic visualization in mixed reality. This combination provides support for percutaneous interventions allowing more precise and targeted planning of the surgical approach.
Medical Device CE mark
ARTICOR® is an innovative software suite for Medical Doctors and Surgeons conceived to perform pre-procedural simulations of cardiovascular interventions on 3D patient-specific models through Mixed Reality reconstruction. Thanks to the shared holographic visualization between multiple users, ARTICOR® allows to approach every case with improved support to the clinical team discussion, relying on a set of reliable, secure and easy-to-use virtual tools.

Filippo Piatti
CEO & Co-founder
PhD in Biomedical Engineering
(Politecnico di Milano)

Giovanni Rossini
COO & Co-founder
PhD in Biomedical Engineering
(Politecnico di Milano)

Omar Pappalardo
CTO & Co-founder
PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences
(Università di Verona)